The e-Learning Open House is an annual event hosted jointly by the Office of Learning Technology and UBC e-Strategy. The popular afternoon event provides an opportunity for faculty and staff from across UBC to demonstrate projects, share experiences, showcase research and discuss emerging tools and trends in e-Learning.
The Office of Learning Technology collaborates with Faculties and service units to plan, develop, implement and sustain high quality learning and teaching environments and communities of practice which use technology to engage learners, support faculty and bridge distances.
OLT works with partners across UBC to facilitate professional development events and support campus-based initiatives in learning and teaching with technology. OLT also collaborates with UBC Faculties to develop and deliver over 130 distance education courses, in both print and online format. All courses offered through OLT carry full credit towards degree and certificate programs.
UBC’s e-Strategy enables students, faculty and staff to excel in one of the world’s leading universities by enhancing learning, research and community through leading-edge technology initiatives. e-Strategy is a guiding framework to align UBC’s technology initiatives with the university’s strategic goals. You might say the ‘e’ in e-Strategy stands for ‘enabling’.
Our activities include project development, information and resource sharing, and setting long terms goals for technology at UBC. Each month we publish an online newsletter, the e-Strategy Update to keep people informed about technology issues at The University of British Columbia, and how new and ongoing projects impact students, faculty and staff.