Title: WebCT/Blackboard Vista – Navigate a Path through Enhanced Learning and Teaching
Presenters: Jeanne Lee, Business Support Analyst, UBC IT
Emily Renoe, Learning Technology Specialist, Office of Learning Technology
Sandra Yee, Business Analyst, UBC IT
Description: Join the friendly and knowledgeable staff from Information Technology and the Office of Learning Technology, partners in supporting WebCT/Blackboard Vista, to learn more about:
Tools or plug-ins that work with WebCT/Blackboard Vista:
General Help to support your learning and teaching with the Course Management System:
- Access to a self-paced on-line training tutorial
- Interactive face-to-face bootcamp sessions
- “Ask an Expert” assistance for instructors and students – at the Learning Technologies Support Hub
Make your way to our booth to learn how you can enhance your online learning and teaching experience with WebCT/Blackboard Vista and UBC’s set of tools/plug-ins.